Save Up to Suit Up success!

Saturday 30th March

In October last year, we set ourselves the challenge of raising £20,000 to fund new flight suits for our paramedics and doctors.

Each new flight suit costs approximately £650 and raising £20,000 would allow us to purchase thirty new flight suits. We asked schools, groups and clubs across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to start saving up their ten pence coins and at the last count, 18,474 children had pledged to support us.

Not only do the suits protect our doctors and paramedics at the scene of an incident, but they also keep them visible and allow them to carry vital life-saving equipment, ensuring they are kitted up and fit to fly.

Thanks to the support from local school children, Scouts, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies, Girl Guides and so many more, we are delighted to announce that we have now taken delivery of the new and improved suits!

Here’s what it looks like:

If you are still collecting for us, thank you! Please send in your collection to our Charity office at the address below, as soon as you’re able to, or donate online and reference Save Up to Suit Up.

Thank you once again for your incredible support!

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance
Unit F4 Adanac Park
Adanac Drive
SO16 0BT

