Ride4Life ride for HIOWAA

Tuesday 23rd July

On Sunday 21st July, the Isle of Wight ‘Ride4Life’ ride out took place, in support Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance (HIOWAA).

Raising an incredible £2,216, the day saw just over 200 motorcyclists taking part, the day went off with great success and participants and spectators were even treated to a visit by the Air Ambulance and its crew.

A special thanks goes out to Pete Edwards, who played a massive part in organising and promoting the event. Volunteers such as Pete, who donate their time and effort so generously, are crucial to keeping the Air Ambulance in the air and saving lives.

Below, you can read Pete’s thoughts on the day:

“Following an early start for all the volunteers, and especially the HIOWAA team, the registration tents were set up as we waited for the first riders to make their entrance.

It wasn’t long before they started flooding in. We had 140 riders signed-up online prior to the event, so we knew it was going to be a well-attended ride; and as the sun was out and conditions were perfect, more riders were expected.

The car park at Havenstreet was soon buzzing with a great crowd.

As the Air Ambulance arrived, the crew disembarked and were happy to talk to the waiting crowd. This was fantastic as the riders got to see first-hand the importance of their donations.

A big thanks to Pilot Dave and the Critical Care Team for taking the time to talk to everyone.

The ride departed at 10:30am for a wonderful 45-mile route round the coast, stopping off at the Isle of Wight Pearl for a spot of lunch and then back on the road to complete the ride out.
After a pleasant, peaceful ride back to the Isle of Wight Steam Railway, everybody then assembled for a group photo. With some general chat and fun, we carried on way into the afternoon.

A total of 204 bikers rode out, and I think we collected some on the way, as they realised this event was something not to be missed!”

Thank you to everybody who attended the ride out, and to all who donated to HIOWAA.

If you would like to join the ‘iRide for HIOWAA’ Facebook group for more information on events, please click here.

