To keep our Critical Care Teams ready for any scenario they may face, they take part in regular intense training sessions, in which a simulation may be set up to learn a new skill. By consistently training and honing their skills, these procedures become second nature, which is vital for making good decisions at the scene of an incident.
Thanks to your incredible support during The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2020, we recently accepted delivery of a new, state-of-the-art Lifecast adult manikin.
These manikins imitate a series of mock incidents, complete with movement, sound and reaction to treatment and decisions. They are incredibly accurate and lifelike in appearance which adds realism to a simulation. They allow the team to perform a number of invasive techniques including a stepwise approach to airway management. The manikin’s airway allows the team to ventilate the lungs with a bag valve mask, insert various airway adjuncts including oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal or supraglottic airways and endotracheal intubation. The manikin can also be cannulated and have intraosseous needles inserted into specific bones.
Our Medical Lead Dr Louisa Chan comments on our training strategy:
“A lot of our focus at HIOWAA is on training. We have a state-of-the-art Immersive Simulation Suite at our Airbase where we train hard to fight easy. Here we can train in all of the specific skills needed on a regular basis to ensure that, no matter what, we are always ready to perform whatever emergency procedure is required at the roadside.”
Check out our some of the team being put through their paces below: