Friday 20th September
We are proud to announce that Pilot Dave Nicholls, has been awarded the prestigious Certificate of Appreciation by our CEO, Alex Lochrane.
Dave started flying with HIOWAA in October 2015 and is a pivotal member of the Critical Care Team and a much-loved friend and colleague to many. Dave was awarded the certificate when he came into the Charity office, on his day off, to deliver a talk to Volunteers and staff members on “A Day in the Life of a HEMS Pilot.”
Dave was nominated for the award by charity staff members, Caroline Tyree and Joanna Hennessy, who said:
“Dave always goes out of his way to help Communications and Fundraising teams to spread the word about our life-saving work, and no request for advice, support or input is ever too much for him.”
They added: “Dave goes out of his way to act as an ambassador for the Charity when on duty, and was instrumental in the development of the Mission Planning section of our LifeLines website and has given up his time on numerous occasions to deliver the workshops to hundreds of school children.”
The HIOWAA Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to anyone who has gone that extra mile and has acted in a way that exemplifies our charity values of Teamwork, Dedication, Openness and Professionalism.
You can read more about Dave Nicholls and his “A Day in the Life of a HEMS Pilot” piece, in our upcoming edition of Helimed 56, due for release October 2019.